Hey folks! Sorry about not posting in a while! I’ve been busy punching book three of The Search for the King’s Staff into the keyboard! The Caper Triangle is coming along nicely, and I am still aiming for the end of the year.
Here’s a little unedited paragraph that I’m quite proud of. It’s the description of giant sea serpents called water drakes that will be making an appearance. I hope you enjoy.
Keeled sheets of cold blue scales shimmered like ice across long bodies. Flapping on their backs, transparent dorsal fins ended in sharp spines, while snake-like grooves stretched in bands along alabaster bellies. Fanning around the equine-shaped heads and behind four piercing horns, their frills studded sharply. Crusted with what could have been glittering hoarfrost, their lunate tails curled like that of sea horses.